Company Searches and Credit Checks
This page provides you with links to some of the best company search and credit checking services at the most competitive prices for specific types of searches.
WebCheck - Low Cost Company Information
Visit WebCheck provided by Companies House for the following...
- Basic company information - FREE
- Copy of the last accounts filed - £1
- Copy of the last annual return filed - £1
- Current Appointments Report - £1
Includes details of the present directors, company secretary and recent filings.
Enter the company name or number to begin with and you can then access all the documents from there.
FREE Company Monitoring
checkSURE Free Company Monitoring service allows you to receive email alerts whenever there is a change in the details on a company that you want to track. You can track for free as many companies as you want. The email lists the number of changes to the data on companies in your checkSURE Portfolio. When you login to your account these updates are listed for the companies that you are monitoring. This facility provides you with a great way of keeping track of changes on your selected companies. For example, you will be alerted whenever there is a change of registered or trading address, credit limit and credit score, appointment or resignation of directors/secretaries, name change, CCJ events, etc.
You should add your own company to this service to allow you to check nothing is changing on your company that you are not aware of.
Basic Company Reports
- checkSURE Credit Reports - £5.95 - credit score, credit limit, etc - view sample of checkSURE's Credit Reports
- Duport Profile Report - £1.95 - basic company information, filing history, ccj summary, accounts summary, etc - view sample of Duport's Profile Report
Full Company Reports
- checkSURE Full Company Reports - £9.95 - very comprehensive information on any company - operations, directors, shareholders, financials, credit scores, CCJ's mortgages, etc - view sample of checkSURE's Full Company Reports
- UK Data Company Credit Report - £18.00 - statutory information, risk information, ownership, financials, filing history, officers - view sample of UK Data's Full Report
Individual Director Reports
- checkSURE Directors Reports - £10.95 - detailed information on any one director and all their activities - full Address, DOB, date of appointment, other directorships, country of origin, occupation, etc - view sample of checkSURE's Directors Reports
- Duport Individual Director Report - £6.95 - a basic report on a company director - view sample of Duport's Individual Director Report
- Duport Business Involvement Report - £14.95 - a very advanced report on a company director - view sample of Duport's Business Involvement Report
Companies House Document Images
- Duport Companies House Document Images - £7.50 - instant online images of documents filed at Companies House.
Sole Trader and Partnership Reports
These reports are more limited in what they can provide due to the accounts not being publicly available.
- checkSURE Sole Trader Reports - £8.95 - credit score, credit guide, CCJs, etc - view sample of checkSURE's Sole Trader Reports
- checkSURE Partnership Reports - £8.95 - credit score, credit guide, CCJs, etc - view sample of checkSURE's Partnership Reports
- Duport Insight Report - £1.95 - a basic report on sole traders and partnerships - view sample of Duport's Insight Report
- Duport Insight Plus Report - £9.95 - a more advance report on sole traders and partnerships - view sample of Duport's Insight Plus Report
International Credit Reports
- UK Data International Credit Reports - from £50.00 - for credit reports on companies based overseas.
Other Useful Company Search Sites
- Companysearches.co.uk - for a very wide range of search documents.
- Companies House Direct - provided directly by Companies House, requires a subscription of £5 per month and then low cost access to documents.
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