Specialist Services
This “shop window” doesn’t list all the services we offer. Please contact us or fill in the FAQs form to find out more. Below are three of our specialist areas.
Travel Industry ‒ ATOL Reporting Accountants’ Scheme
The ATOL Reporting Accountants’ Scheme was developed by the CAA to help improve the standard of ATOL reporting and to provide assurance that the financial information submitted on behalf of ATOL holders is accurate. As an ATOL-designated Accountant, we guide clients in the industry and ensure they meet the specific requirements of ATOL to provide the required assurance needed by the CAA.
CIS Contractors and Subcontractors
For CIS contractors and subcontractors, meeting the complex regulatory requirements of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) is time consuming, complex, and fraught with potential error. The Hughes Consultancy ensures contractors and subcontractors meet the requirements of the Construction Industry Scheme.
How can The Hughes Consultancy help?
- Advise you on your status
- Advise on whether subcontractors fall into the subcontractor or employee status (or both)
- Verify subcontractors with (HMRC) (as necessary)
- Maintain records
- Provide CIS-compliant payroll
Intermediaries’ legislation (IR35)/public sector “off-payroll” working
Recent legislation has made working as a contractor more risky and it’s important that you work out your employment status for tax purposes. Check your status at GOV.UK.
IR35 legislation is still relevant for contractors, but “off payroll” rules for public sector contractors has injected yet more complexity, making the “engager” responsible for the decision as to whether the contractor is an employee or not.
IT contractors working in the public sector, locums, doctors, consultants, dentists and other healthcare professionals; and anyone working as a contractor whether in the public sector or not, should seek expert advice on individual contracts and employment status.
Contact The Hughes Consultancy today for advice on IR35 and “off payroll” rules; much like CIS legislation, it’s essential that you know the rules and comply.
Seed and Enterprise Investment planning
The Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme (SEIS), like the Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS), is designed to encourage individuals to invest money in shares issued by qualifying unquoted companies trading wholly or mainly in the UK. The Hughes Consultancy can assist you in obtaining advance assurance from HMRC and help prepare investment proposals.
Looking at ongoing strategies for developing your business will be part of the service we offer.
Next Step:
Please contact us if you need further advice or have any questions about our services. Feel free to browse our Tax Centre, Business Centre, and Tax Tips and News for instant information and guidance.
Chartered Accountants in Richmond, Surrey, The Hughes Consultancy provides a wide range of business, tax, financial planning and business growth services. All of our clients benefit from competitive pricing, our expertise, and unlimited support. Contact us today to learn how we can support you.