HMRC Forms
General & Self Assessment
- 64-8 [pdf] Authorising your agent
- CWF1 [pdf] Becoming self employed and registering for National Insurance contributions and/or tax
- CF10 [pdf] Self-employed people with small earnings - applying for a certificate of exception
- CH2 [pdf] Child Benefit Claim
- R38 [pdf] Tax Claim
- R40 [pdf] Claim for repayment of tax deducted from savings and investments
- P50 [pdf] Claim for Income Tax repayment
- SA1 [pdf] Registering for Self Assessment and getting a tax return
- SA100 [pdf] Self Assessment Tax Return
- SA101 [pdf] Self Assessment Additional Information
- SA102 [pdf] Employment supplementary pages
- SA103F [pdf] Self-Employment (full) supplementary pages
- SA103S [pdf] Self-Employment (short) supplementary pages
- SA105 [pdf] Land and Property supplementary pages
- SA303 [pdf] Claim to reduce payments on account
- SA400 [pdf] Registering a partnership for Self Assessment
- SA401 [pdf] Registering a partner for Self Assessment
- P85 [pdf] Leaving the United Kingdom
- NRL1 [pdf] Non-resident Landlords - Individuals
- FBI 2 [pdf] Authorising your agent to use PAYE Online Services (Internet)
- P9D [pdf] Expenses payments and income from which tax cannot be deducted - for employees earning less than £8500
- P11D [pdf] Expenses and benefits
- PSA1 [pdf]PAYE Settlement Agreement Calculation
- SC2 [pdf] Employee’s statement of sickness
Ltd Companies
- CT600 - Full [pdf] Company Tax Return Full
- CT600 - Short [pdf] Company Tax Return Short
Value Added Tax
- VAT1 [pdf] Application for registration
- VAT2 [pdf] Partnership details
- VAT7 [pdf] Application to cancel your VAT Registration
- VAT68 [pdf] Transfer of a business as a going concern - request for transfer of a registration number
- VAT427 [pdf] Claims for Input Tax/Relief after cancellation of registration
- VAT600 FRS [pdf] Application to join the Flat Rate Scheme
- VAT600 AA [pdf] Application to join the Annual Accounting Scheme
- VAT652 [pdf] Voluntary disclosure of errors on VAT Returns
- VAT1614 [pdf] Option to tax land and buildings notification form
Chartered Accountants in Richmond, Surrey, The Hughes Consultancy provides a wide range of business, tax, financial planning and business growth services. All of our clients benefit from competitive pricing, our expertise, and unlimited support. Contact us today to learn how we can support you.