Useful Office Software
Start Up Desktop Accounts Software for small businesses
Online Accounts Software for small businesses
Payroll Software for small businesses
Contact Management Software
Other useful office software
- Dropbox Store and share files online.
- Google Apps A whole suite of applications in the cloud - email, calendar, storage, document applications and more.
- CutePDF Writer Print a file as PDF.
- Email to fax solutions Avoid the need for a fax machine.
- Microsoft office Word, excel, powerpoint, outlook, publisher, etc.
- MozyPro Online Backup An alternative to safely backup all your data off site.
- Open office The alternative to Microsoft Office - but free!
- WinZip To compress files for sending by email.
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Chartered Accountants in Richmond, Surrey, The Hughes Consultancy provides a wide range of business, tax, financial planning and business growth services. All of our clients benefit from competitive pricing, our expertise, and unlimited support. Contact us today to learn how we can support you.